أخر الاخبار

السبت، 7 ديسمبر 2013

shows the weakness of the real girl .. Important topic for all

Did you know the secret of the female! Do you know what is the real point of weakness in the girl any girl in general! Not money or prestige or position or the other, but the real man who knows the secret of women is a rare man who understands the weakness of women who did not know many of the young ...
every human being who has seized to have a healthy normal life has had weaknesses. By, weaknesses we do not mean health related issues, but those tiny mole hills or mountains for some of us women, on which we normally trip upon or find it necessary to take some Prozac for. So here is a list of at least ten out of bazillion weaknesses that a woman has when in a relationship. However, let it be known to all the men reading this, that we women do not find this list as a matter of pride; rather it�s a matter of angst for when you men are not-so-understanding.

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